Monday, August 11, 2008

We're Here

Yes, I'm safely in Chicago. Yes, I'm all moved in. No, I won't have your sister's baby for a thousand dollars. That's at least two thousand dollars worth of work.

It's been a bit of a boring week thus far, and rather than write about the overarching experience of moving, blah blah blah...I put together a little video to show you the new place, the new neighborhood, and help promote the new blog a little bit. I've decided that it's easier at this point to write about the minutiae here...the little things that I'm discovering that set the city apart, which you'll be hearing more about soon. And as I don't officially start my job until tomorrow, I don't have a ton of great stories in that regard yet, but give it a day or two. I'm sure I'll come up with something.

For the time being, enjoy the tour and I'll be back soon with the tale of how the library screwed me twice.

1 comment:

anialexanian said...

i love how at the end of the vlog, (video/blog) you can hear the l-train.

everything looks great. look at you movin' on up.